Creepy Crawlies

Looking for a nonfiction book to please your boys? Look no farther than Micro Monsters: Close Encounters with Invisible Armies by Nam Nguyen. It is so disgusting and creepy that I can barely stand to look at it, which makes my kids want to read it even more! If you are of the opinion that  bugs are disgusting with the naked eye, just wait until you see these horrific pictures. Without having to peer under a microscope, you can see close-up pictures of all kinds of creepy creatures such as army ants, lice, follicle mites, and amoebas. The large, full color, photographs are labeled so you can learn your “monster” anatomy and physiology. There is a brief overview presented of each creature. Here is the one for the amoeba:

Amoebas are an entire group of animals that can shape-shift to eat with extensions of their bodies. They surround food with tendrils, transfer it to the middle of their bodies, and then digest it from the outside in with chemicals. Constantly morphing feelers surround and hold victims in, making the amoeba a nightmare for any cell or bacteria.

Other interesting facts are presented, such as geography, habitat and any particularly interesting tidbits. For instance, did you know that tapeworms can grow up to 32 feet long inside your intestine? Ugh! There are a few other features that make the book fun. For each organism, they are rated on scales of intelligence, strength, speed, agility, endurance, and evasion. It is kind of fun to compare and contrast the organisms against each other. Finally, each creature has a superpower and weakness listed. One benefit of this book is that after seeing all of these creepy crawlies, perhaps your kids will be more motivated to wash their hands!